In belief for IMAM-E-ASR (A.S)
We present this part of our building land which is a fearing observation and small part of work to our put out of the way LivingImam in hope for His bill of exchange . Our 12th Imam A.S , theLast and last agent coming after of our Holy one who says of future events Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa S.A.W and the was waiting one who keeps others from destruction, trouble who will take high judge, peace and harmony to this earth. We are all did a kind act to getknowledge of our present Imam as our Holy one who says of future events S.A.W has said : "one who comes to an end without (be conscious of) having seen before the Imam of his time, comes to an end the death of little amount of knowledge." We hope that we canbe able to give out light on some important facts connected to ourHoly Imam of the existence-stage especially for the help of our newcomplete persons living time. All information 1 is taken from thesebooks:1. Bihar-ul-Anwaar volnr.11 (By Allama Majlisi) 2. Bihar-ul-Anwaar volnr.12 (By Allama Majlisi) 3. The Living Imam (By YousufN.Lalljee) 4. philosophy 2 of the religion of Mohamed (ByDr.Behechti & Dr.Bahonar) 5. Paykar-e-Noor (By M.HusainMehzar) 6. Naqaushe Ismat (By Allama Jawadi) 7. ChaudahSitaare (By Maulana Najmul-Hasan)
In reasoned opinion we lift our hands in supplication and make request that may Allah S.W.T help us in our attempts , not give punishment to our Major and person under 21 crimes, wrongs andbut for our good land ownership statements from being made waste to by bad causes producing an effect. May we also not go solid inour beleif , be among those who will nearest answer the name ofour Holy Living Imam A.S and way the test of the hearings in law ofthe faithfuls during the time of occultation 3 (Ghaybat).Ameen.Uncountable salutations are offered upon our Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) by two say one is wrong , wrong, bad servants of the religion of Mohamed who make request for their work to be taken.Mohammad Taqi and Sughra Khatoon May Allah and Imam-e-Zamana (A.S) not give punishment to our mistakes in ourpresentation. Ameen
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