The Rightful Government Of Imam-e-Qayam A.S
Imam Muhammad Baqir A.S has said :
" Success will not be reached except through sweat and blood. "
Imam Muhammad Baqir A.S has said :
* " The Qayam will order/prohibit justice . During His time terribly unfair treatment will be done away with. Roads will be safe. Rights will be restored. Complete equality will be enforced. "" At that time complete peace will win all over the world. None will harm anyone. Fear and fear and stress will not exist. Even the wild animals will be moving among the people but will not be harming anyone. People will have love and sympathy for each other. They will equally distribute wealth among themselves. There will no longer exist any poor or needy. No group of people will try to rule another group. The older (people) will show kindness to the youngers and the youngers will respect the older (people). All people will be kind and careful in their actions and decisions. "
* " Love , kindness , moral rightness and brotherhood will win. There will be no question of lying to or ill-treating anybody , complete honesty and friendliness will exist. "
* " When the Qayam will rise , such friendly honesty and friendliness will come into being that one will take out whatever one requires from the pocket of another person and that person will not mind it at all. "
* " Every kind of weakness , disease and disability will disappear. "
* " Regarding those who will be living during the time of the Qayam , their sick will recover and their weak will gain strength. "
* " All the blind and the badly injured will be cured and the sufferers will be relieved of their suffering. "
* " A world government characterised by justice and moral rightness will be established. It will extend from the East to the West. All people will live under it in an atmosphere of peace , justice and richness. "
* " Friendly relations will exist among the believers all over the world. It will appear as if from one end of the world to the other they see each other , speak to each other and co-operate with each other. "
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