UA-55458978-1 Introduction Prophetic speech ~ GHAIBATEKUBRAA

Sunday 2 November 2014

Introduction Prophetic speech

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The Angelic Quran,which is the arch antecedent of religious anticipation in Islam, has accustomed abounding ascendancy to the alien meanings of its words for those who accord ear to its message. The aforementioned alien acceptation of the Quranic verses has fabricated the sayings of the Augur of the future(completing/going forth with/free) to the words of the Quran and has declared them to bestrict/excellent like the Quran. For as the Quran says: "And We accept showed unto you theMemory that you may explain to humans that which has been showed for them" (Quran, XVI, 44). And, "He it is who has beatific a allotment of the apprenticed ones a agent of their own, to say unto them His (things that are al of a sudden credible or understood) and to accomplish them grow, and to advise them the angelic accounting plan and Wisdom" (Quran, LXII, 2). And "And at all the agent givesyou, yield it. And at all he forbiddeth, (not do something) (from it)" (Quran, LIX, And, In actuality in the agent of Allah you accept a adequate example" (Quran, XXXIII, 21). It is in actuality accessible that such verses would not accept any absolute acceptation if the words and accomplishments of the Augur of the futureand his blackout and approval were not ascendancy for us just as the Quran itself is. This way the words of the Augur of the approaching are strict/excellent and accept to be accustomed by those who accept heard them orally or accustomed them through reliable transmission. Added than that, through such a in actuality absolute alternation of manual it is accustomed that the Angelic Augur of the approaching said, "I leave two things of bulk in the average of you in assurance which if you ascendancy on to you will never goaway from what's right: the Quran and the associates of my household. These will never be afar until the Day of Judgment." According to this and added in actuality accustomed hadiths the words of the Family and Domiciliary of the Augur of the approaching anatomy a bulk that is(completing/going forth with/free) to the (something that predicts the future) hadith.The Domiciliary of the Augur of the approaching in Islam accept ascendancy in religious sciences and areperfect in the account of the article and acknowledged orders of Islam. Their sayings, accustomed orally or through reliable transmission, are reliable and strict/excellent. Therefore, it is bright thatthe accustomed antecedent from which the academic and alien aspect of adoration is received/made from, which is a strict/excellent certificate and which is aswell the basal antecedent for the religious anticipation of Islam, consists of two parts: The Book (Quran) and the Sunnah. By the book is meant the alien aspect of the verses of the Angelic Quran; and by the sunnah, hadith accustomed from thePredictor of the approaching and his abundantly admired Household. Traditions of the Assembly In Shi`ism hadiths transmitted through the assembly are dealt with according to this principle: if they accord with the words and accomplishments of the Augur of the approaching and do not go adjoin the hadiths of the Domiciliary of the Augur of the future, they are acceptable. If they accommodate alone the angle or opinions of the assembly themselves and not those of the Augur of the future, they are not strict/excellent as sources for religious acknowledged orders. In this way the cardinal of the assembly is like the cardinal of any added Muslim. In the aforementioned way, the assembly themselves dealt with added assembly in questions of Islamic law as they would with any Muslim, not as anyone special.
The assumption that the hadith possesses (something is in actuality what it claims to be), as(certified/promised) by the Quran, is not at all argued a allotment of Shi`ites or in actuality a allotment of all Muslims. But because of the abortion of some of the aboriginal rulers of Islam in absorption and absorption the hadith, and the excesses of a accumulation a allotment of the assembly and followers of thePredictor of the approaching in overextension hadith books, the bulk of hadith came to face a assertive bulk of difficulties. On the one duke the important Muslim religious leaders of the time prevented the autograph down and recording of the hadith and ordered any pages absolute texts of hadith to be burned. Soemtimes aswell any access in action in the manual and abstraction of hadith was forbidden. In this way a assertive bulk of hadiths were abandoned or absent and a few were even transmitted with a altered or twisted/partially untrue/lied about meaning. On the added duke accession habit/desire aswell won a allotment of accession accumulation of the assembly of the HolyPredictor of the approaching who had had the account of seeing his attendance and in actuality audition his words. This group, which was admired by the important Muslim religious leaders and the Muslim community, began an acute accomplishment to advance the hadith. This was agitated to such an admeasurement that sometimes hadith overruled the Quran and the acknowledged adjustment of a quranic ballad was even advised took abroad (or ended) by some humans through a hadith. Often the transmitters of hadith would biking abounding afar and buck all the difficulties of travelling in adjustment to apprehend a individual saying. A accumulation of outsiders who had beat the dress of Islam and aswell some of the enemies aural the ranks of Islam began to change and alter some of the hadith and soreduced the believability and (something is in actuality what it claims to be) of the hadith that was again heard and known. For this actual acumen Islamic accomplished humans began to anticipate of a solution. They created the sciences anxious with the activity adventure of abstruse men and chains of manual of hadith in adjustment to be able to acquaint the aberration amid authentic and apocryphal hadith. The Adjustment of Shi`ism in (verifying someone's identity) the Hadith Shi`ism, in accession to aggravating to (verify someone's identity) the alternation of manual of hadith, considers the accord of the altercation of the hadith with the Quran as a all-important action forits (something is in actuality what it claims to be). In Shi`ite sources there are abounding hadiths of the Augur of the approaching and the Imams with realchains of manual which themselves acerb defend/strongly authentic that a hadith oppositeto the Quran has no value. Alone that hadith can be advised authentic which is in acceding with the Quran. Basing itself on these hadiths, Shi`ism does not act aloft those hadiths which areopposite to the altercation of the Quran. As for hadiths whose acceding or altercation cannot be established, according to instructions accustomed from the Imams they are anesthetized by in blackout afterwards getting accustomed or rejected. Causeless to say there are aswell aural Shi`ism those who, like a accumulation a allotment of the Sunnis, act on any hadith at all which they arise to acquisition in altered acceptable sources. The Adjustment of Shi`ism in Following the Hadith
A hadith heard anon from the aperture of the Augur of the approaching or one of the Imams is accustomed as is the Quran. As for hadiths accustomed through (people who get amid two arguing parties to advice them agree), a lot of Shi`ites act aloft them if their alternation of manual is accustomed at evry footfall or if there exists audible affidavit about their truth, and, if they are cocerned with attempt of idea/belief which crave adeptness and activity of getting in actuality sure, according to the altercation of the Quran. Added than these two kinds of hadith, no added hadith has any (something is in actuality what it claims to be) apropos attempt of ideas/beliefs, the invalid hadith getting alleged "tradition with a individual transmitter" (khabar wahid). However, in alpha and architecture on the acknowledged orders of the Shari`ah, because of affidavit that accept been given, Shi`ites act aswell on a attitude which is about accustomed as relaible. Accordingly it can be said that for Shi`ism a assertive and in actuality accustomed hadith is in actuality bounden and accept to be followed, while a hadith which is not in actuality accustomed but which is about advised as reliable is acclimated alone in the detail of the acknowledged orders of the Shari`ah. Religious Arguments and Applicable Bases of Islamic Behavior
All acclaim is due to Allah, who has adapted us to apperceive Him, and the greetings and accord be aloft the arch of the beatific Ones, Muhammad, who has gave us his mission, and aloft the arch of custodians, Ali, who has aswell accustomed us with his administration (Wilayat), and others of his(people or things that arise afterwards something else), the absolute Imams, distinctively the Allah�s accepted blow and His affidavit to all humans Imam Mahdi (peace be aloft him), may Allah account us to be one of his agents in his (when one affair blocks the appearance of accession thing) and show/and obviousation, and connected abuse be aloft their enemies till the day of judgment. Afterwards that, whatever is the a lot of important to all of the abstruse and religious accomplished humans are the adeptness of religious arguments and the applicable bases of Imami�s beliefs, because it is the abject of a acceptance that one can save him from uncertainties.
Learning of such arguments is the a lot of atonement and accomplished knowledge, rather it is the mostserious and appreciative science a allotment of all branches of knowledge, including physics, analysis and added sciences which advance us to apperceive Allah closely, and by every authentic affair there will be credible one of the structural laws that aphorism over the nature, which point to/show arise getting its law-maker, and acquirements a such admired adeptness is accessible alone by alive Allah. Of advance the God has enabled us to abstruse a (good) abundant bulk of religious arguments and the applicable bases of Imami�s behavior from the Angelic Qur'an, the quoted Traditions from the Angelic augur of the approaching and the absolute Imams (peace be aloft them), the philoSophical,religious, estimation and added capacity of books and collect/make them in this book. The aboriginal and the endure acclaim are due to Allah. At the end I action the best whishes to all of the sponSors of �THE INSTITUTE OF AAL UL BAIT (A.S) LE AHYAA IT TURATH�, abnormally to its admired Director, admiral and whoever approved their best to collect/make and broadcast this book. All acclaim is due to Allah, may He absolve us His absolution and pleasureness. Abu Talib Tajleel Tabrizi TheReligious centermost of Qum, Iran Angelic mont of Ramadhan, 1417 AH
The Abstraction of God
The Proveness of Necessary-Existence the Clever architect of Universal and the Architect of the Apple (May Praised His Glory)
In the Name of God the A lot of Kind, the A lot of Affectionate All acclaim is due to God and the greetings and accord is aloft the allowance of the Predictors of the future, and his blue-blooded Descendants and abuse be aloft their all enemies. The abstraction of God is something accustomed for all men In actuality man has some senses by which account something naturally; the abstraction of God is one of such thing, because the Angelic Qur'an says: [Then set your face cocked for adoration is the appropriate state, the attributes fabricated by God in which He has fabricated the man.] [1] In whatever is quoted from the words of the Ameerul Muamineen (Commander of the Faithful) Ali accord be aloft him says:
�I never did see a affair unless I perceived God be for it, with it and afterwards it.� And in whatever is quoted from his accord be aloft him prayers, says: �O whose aspect shows His essence.� And in whatever is quoted from the sayyed Al shuhada (Chief of the (people who die or ache a lot rather than accord up what they accept in)) Imam Hosain's (A.S.) adoration on the Arafat Day, says: �How with a something which actuality needs You can accompany a acumen aloft you, is there added than You accept added obviousation? If You became absence, so that You needs a affidavit topoints to/shows aloft You, dark be the eye that can not look/see You watching it, and the assistant whose accord does not allotment You adulation is loser.� The charge of getting the abstraction of Godsomething accustomed The proveness of Allah�s actuality is causeless of any affectionate of argument, but we allocution about actuality some of arguments as following: The aboriginal religious argument: The altercation of authentic humans The columnist says in Al-Asfar[2]: This is the action of authentic humans that accord a attestant aloft His Praised existence, again accord a attestant aloft His attributes by it, and again accord a attestant aloft His accomplishments by His attributes�. Absolutely the Divine Book has talked about this action of authentic humans and says: [Is it not (good) abundant apropos your Aristocrat that He is a attestant over all things?] [3] I say: This altercation can be declared in altered ways, but we allocution abouttwo of them, which are afterpiece than added to it beneath here:
The Aboriginal statement:
Necessarily every one realizes the alien beings, or in added words: He realizes the existence[4] of beings, and acutely it is accustomed that there is a Necessary- Actuality getting a allotment of them, because contrarily all of the beings will be possible- existence, and beggared of a artistic could could could cause in their existence. It is aswell aboveboard accustomed that it is absurd to be all beings accessible actuality and beggared of added in their existence, because the added of all beings is non-existence, and absolutely the non exact will never be counted as a could could could cause to existent. This way necessarily it could be said that there is a Necessary-existence getting a allotment of all of the beings. This account does not depend on proving of any point of philoSophical issues, such as the basal existence,togetherness of existence, etc.
The additional statement:
In actuality we apprehend the alien existence, and (based on facts and added evidence) the existence: either all-important or possible, and in case of getting a possible-existence, again it needs accession existence, and so on. And the non- existence: is a aggregate of abolition and essence, and(based on facts and added evidence) the abolition is absent and void, and the aspect is something (in name only/very baby amount) and abstract and neither it has any absoluteness nor occupies any space, so it is accepted that the actuality is not beggared of non-existence. Acutely the Necessary-Existence is from the actuality itself and all of the accessible existences are depend on it. The columnist says in Al-Asfar: �This altercation is the best and arch of any added argument, because in actuality there is no average appellation in the altercation except it, so the action of (completing things/reaching goals) the aim is aforementioned as the aim, and it is as of accuracy abounding people. I say: �The author�s account (that there is no average appellation in the altercation except it), agency is the accessible beings of non necessary-existence, that it was as of proving the necessary-existence by it, which is alleged (rear end/away from the head)i demonstration, and it has to do with ascertain the could could could cause through the caused. His next account (the action of (completing things/reaching goals) the aim is aforementioned as the aim), agency is that this altercation becomes authentic through putting the man�s accustomed advertent teachers/professors with one another, again one can apperceive the actuality of all-important admiring afterwards defective to apperceive annihilation added than Him. The additional religious argument: The altercation of achievability and charge The statement: In factthere is a being, so if the actuality was all-important to its essence, so that is which we required, but if it was accessible again necessarily it needs to a creator, again if the architect is the Necessary-existent, so that is which we required, but if it is a accessible existent, again it needs to accession creator, so if it was the aboriginal architect again it is a amphitheater which is necessarily void, and if it was an absolute series, again it is aswell void, because if the accomplished alternation are accessible actuality again the(one afterwards the other) itself all-important becomes a possible-existence too� and its actuality through itself is absurd afterwards an alien creator, accordingly it is all-important to be there a architect out of it, so this alien architect necessarily will be a self-existence being, and that is what is required.
The fifth religious argument:
Oneself as a affidavit The God said: [We will appearance them our signs in the horizons and in themselves, till it is bright to them that it is the truth.][9] Ameerul Muamineen (A.S) said: �He who knows his God.�[10]
Oneself as a proof:
Knowing The God by agency of alive oneself, this way we admit Allah�s existence, bleared pictures (in your mind), knowledge, backbone and His added qualities. Man himself is a abundant library that, contains all books of (worshipping one god), starting from the easiest appropriate to thehardest one; from the a lot of aloft to the a lot of inferior; it contains the simple books that the a lot of artless (because of a abridgement of understanding) humans can abstraction them, in accession to added books that the are aloft the compassionate of the greatest scientists and the a lot of smartpeople. Allah has accustomed to every man (from the everyman to the accomplished what he requires from the book of (worshipping one god), anniversary assorting to his adeptness and understanding, with no charge to buy/own/receive it from the outside, appropriately he has no alibi to accord up it�s study, and alive Allah by agency of alive himself. Man�s actuality (Soul and body) hugs/supportshuge bulk of secrets, as it has been quoted from Ameerul Muamineen accord be aloft him that said: Do you anticipate you are a baby planet? In you the apple as a accomplished has beenhugged/supported, you are the bright book, and by its belletrist the hidden meanings appear[11].
It has been accepted in (body structure) ((related to the body/medical affliction of the body)) that the physique of every man contains fifty thousand bilback cells, and this bulk of beef are ten bags times added again the bulk of the accomplished apple residents, every corpuscle is an beastly that has its own life.[12] Man�s physique is the treasury of secrets, all scientists in their altered authentic fields accepted their (inability to do something) to apprehend the aspect of the physique and its whereAbouts of knowledge, imagination, memorization, abysmal thinking, will, love, hate, sadness, happiness, sleep, awakens, authentic attention, etc, for neither the physique nor those altitude areable to be touched/real. As Allah the God said: [And they ask you about the soul-say: the physique is one of the commands of my Lord, and you are not accustomed annihilation of apperceive ledge but a little.][13] Briefly, the world-as able-bodied as man-is a determinative book to apperceive The God; account of this book is absorbing and easy, but actual hard; absorbing and simple because, every one can apprehend it, even thechildlike (because of a abridgement of understanding) people; and actual harder because its all secrets arevery harder to understand, and the science iduring the accomplished centuries could alone adeptness a baby allotment of them, it is just like Allah�s law-based book which can be calmly accustomed on one hand, as The God said; [And absolutely we accept fabricated the Qur'an simple for memory, but is there anyone who will mind.][14] On the added duke it is actual harder to be accustomed but whoever is entitled, as Allah said: [But none knows its estimation except Allah, and those who are durably abiding in adeptness say: We accept in it, it is all from our lord.][15]
One of the evidences of God in a man is: His new and capricious conditions. Al Kulaini has quoted a Attitude in Usool Al Kafi relates from Abi Al Aujaa from Abi Abdullah accord be aloft him that told him in a Tradition: �Woe is you! How arise you do not see the One who hasshown you his backbone in yourself; your getting if you had not been, your advance afterwards getting infant, your backbone afterwards getting weakest, your weakness afterwards getting strong, your affection afterwards getting healthy, your bloom afterwards getting sicknesses, your calmness afterwards your anger, your angerafter your calmness, your anguish afterwards your happiness, and your beatitude afterwards getting sad,your adulation afterwards your hatred, your abhorrence afterwards your love, your able desire/formal accommodation about something afterwards getting patient, your backbone afterwards your able desire/formal accommodation about something, your endure afterwards your dislike, your animosity afterwards your beastly desire, your admiration afterwards getting frightened, your abhorrence afterwards your desire, your achievement afterwards animosity that there is no hope, yourfeelings that there is no achievement afterwards hope, your anamnesis of what admitting had forgotten, yourforget ness of what you knows for certain� He went on talking about Allah�s potentialities which are put in me till1 started to doubtable that something will arise amid me and him".[16]
The sixth religious argument:
The altercation of arrangement and adjustment This affidavit is received/got from watching the nature; it is an easy-and actual harder proof. Its accessory (reason for accomplishing or adage something) the simple ancillary of it lies in watching/following attributes for it is (able to be done or reached) to every beastly being, matures arrangement too is able to be touched/real and calmly credible even to the weakest observer. The adversity of this affidavit lies in the actuality that all concrete sciences in actuality analysis the arrangement of existents in nature; every exact represents a affection of physics, every detail and every problemshows/tells about a law of nature, all natures existents are fabricated of altered formulas of creation, huge bulk of formulas some of which are credible to man, others are hidden of which authentic researches accept explored but a little, beastly inventions are annihilation but exploring and authoritative use of the qualities that call things and beings of attributes if took apart, installed or affiliated calm according to the laws of conception which ascendancy them. The law agency is a system, every law has its appropriate arrangement which commands/rules/(has anyone address down what is said) its proofs; the added physics of attributes aggrandize in creasing mans adeptness ofthe laws of nature; the added way to apperceive The God becomes; never the less, the accustomed and arid inferior aims adeptness mislead the people, authoritative their hearts blind-for absolutely it is not the eyes that are blind, but dark are the hearts which are in the breasts. The accepted ancillary of this affidavit is simple too; we will out band it in a simplified appearance barefaced for everyone, there afterwards we will accompaniment its authentic and algebraic theorization.
Some simple examples:
If a band of chaplet is cut, can the chaplet of the chaplet them selves achieve their aboriginal (one afterwards the other) appearance and position? Can a allowance or a architecture able-bodied advised and able be accidentally fabricated of artery and added materials? Can some colors accidentally angle next to anniversary added to draw a admirable landscape? Can a nice carpeting be accidentally fabricated of the black absolute threads?! Can the beastly physique with this admirable able minute anatomy be accidentally found? These were simple examples to appearance the affidavit of system. The Angelic Qur'an describes the accomplished apple as getting Divine signs; as a mother of actuality the cosmos is a abundant book whose accountable knows Allah, and every law that controls the actuality of the creatures is one of the signs of this book. The Qur'an in 40 verses describes the creatures of the apple by the chat (sign), as these verses: [And one of his signs is the conception of the blast and the apple and the(many altered kinds of humans or things) of your tongues and color.] [17] And [Do they not see the birds, captivated aback in the average of the sky? None with holds them but Allah; a lot of absolutely there are signs in this for a humans who believe.][18]
There are abounding verses, which accredit that the creatures of the apple are agency to apperceive Allah; added verses point to/show that account the book of the cosmos in creases the adeptness to apperceive Allah. All apple creatures accept some authentic system, this way the breadth of time of the for apple amphitheater about itself never increases or decreases even already minute: aswell the time of aurora and dusk at every day of the year is identical to the aforementioned timing on the aforementioned day every year, for the apple amphitheater about the sun all forth the canicule of the year is authentic and awful organized. In account the book of the apple we should alpha with ourselves for our existence, as a accomplished is an organized system. The beastly physique is composed of cells, anniversary of which is a active absolute beastly that has its own authoritative babies and its own movement, its own diet its own movement, its own animosity and its own functioning, every individual corpuscle maintains a appropriate function. Corpuscle bulk in every beastly physique is abutting to (50000) bilbacks of cells[19], which is ten thousand times of apple population. Every accumulation of about the aforementioned beef added to some unliving actual composes a tissue; these beef accept their appropriate own function, and every agency of physique is fabricated of some tissues, altered organs compose the physique system, like the digestive arrangement which takes afar aliment distributing it to the blow of the organs casting out the excretions. The breathing-related arrangement is accession admirable device, by agency of which the lungs yield the Oxygen from the air pumping it via the claret through the veins and arteries, this way the claret carries the Oxygen to all organs; the body�s charge to oxygen is apparent. Reproductive arrangement is amazingtoo; every allotment of this arrangement has its appropriate beef which functions in a appropriate way. Scientist�s studies and researches to apperceive the wonders of the corpuscle continue. The things we accept talked about were simple examples; there are huge numbers of wonders in all locations and fields of creation, appropriately in their adjustment and system, which represent altered agency to apperceive Allah.
Allah the Inventor has accustomed man the ability of thinking, abysmal cerebration and apology of adeptness to apperceive his God betterly, viz by agency of acumen the wonders of conception [And I accept not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me.][20] Serve Me agency is to apperceive Me. Sciences are not mans invention, rather man is like a hen that picks sciences from with in the layers of creatures- even inventions are accountable to this fact; they are alone fabricated to apperceive beings and creatures and accept their qualities. Proving the arrangement (by mathematic calculations) By agency of mathematics we can prove the actuality of the cosmos creator, this way anxiously cerebration aloft the apple creatures arrangement of actuality through `studying the probabilities of basic a assertive architecture at random. Calculating the probabilities of basic a assertive body in a accidental way If a brick is put on the ground, and accession brick fell on it accidentally; the anticipation that the additional brick will abatement on one of its two advanced faces is ; the anticipation of falling over the added brick in an active position is The anticipation of falling in a position in actuality alongside to the aboriginal brick with no movement abroad from the capital point to the larboard or appropriate � in case we affected the bulk of movement abroad from the capital point to be 45 degrees � will be If we accept the amplitude of the brick 10cm, the anticipation of falling on its advanced ancillary on top of the added artery advanced ancillary is absolutely If we accept the breadth of the brick 20cm, the anticipation of falling on its continued ancillary on the added artery continued ancillary is exactly. As a aftereffect of this, the anticipation that the additional brick may absolutely abatement on the aboriginal brick equals:
= The anticipation of three artery falling in this way equals:
The anticipation of four artery falling in this way equals: 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 _ 540000 540000 540000 157464000000000 This agency that one anticipation is adjoin of added than 150 thousand bilbacks probabilities. (as a result), the bulk of probabilities that leads and controls the abatement of 26 artery absolutely fit on anniversary added equals some thirty two abstracts in accession to fifty seven zeros; the anticipation is alone one adjoin all these chances. If we wish to accept the bigness (in a bad way) of this amazing number, we should accomplish an assumption; accept we bisect all the clay of the apple � even the clay of the sea cheers down to the abyss of thirty thousand beat into baby atoms[21] in a way that anniversary accumulation of one actor atoms avalanche in a individual (m/m) 2; afterwards thatwe accept that the admeasurement of every individual atom equals the admeasurement of earth; adding there afterwards anniversary atom into a bulk according to the bulk of all the atoms of earth, the blueprint will be: ________1_______ 10 Billions X 10 Billions Appropriately we can angel the bulk of probabilities in arandom agreement of a 20000 artery building!! Following the aforementioned adjustment of anticipation (made beforehand) how is the apple to be congenital if every individual man of it is composed of (50 thousand bilback cells)? Is it accessible that this affably organized apple to be congenital accidentally any able adeptness able Maker?! The seventh religious argument: The affidavit of acumen The aberration amid the affidavit of the arrangement and the affidavit of acumen is: Discussing the affidavit of arrangement is allotment of the law of conception that applies to the accomplished world. Arrangement or adjustment means: Law. The affidavit of acumen is added than the affidavit of arrangement � Acumen means: Accomplishing something for a assertive aim, and the charge of application the able affair at the appropriate abode to adeptness the adapted aim, the man who does this plan at the appropriate time and place, never accomplishing annihilation at accidental is alleged (wise).

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People of the house, God wants to remove all kinds of uncleanliness from you and to purify you thoroughly. THE CONFEDERATE (33)


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