UA-55458978-1 Sayings of Imam Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) on Karbala Tragedy ~ GHAIBATEKUBRAA

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Sayings of Imam Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) on Karbala Tragedy

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Sayings of Imam Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) on Karbala Tragedy 

-- Once a man came to Imam Ali Ibn al-Husain Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) and said that years have passed on Karbala Tragedy but you still cry. You should stop crying now. You and your forefathers themselves said 'martyrdom is our inheritance' then if your father, uncle, brothers and companions of your father were (someone who dies or suffers a lot rather than gives up what he or she believes in)ed, why you cry
"O man! (dying or suffering a lot rather than giving up what you believe in) is our inheritance," Imam replied adding that but, was it also our inheritance that covers of daughters of predictor of the future whom even the sun had not seen were taken away, they were fixed in ropes with their hands after their necks, their tents were set on fire, they were seated on bare backs of camels, and brought to the shops of Syria and Kufa and courts of Yazid and Ibne Zyad?? 
-- Surely, I have never brought to mind the (dying or suffering a lot rather than giving up what you believe in) of the children of Fatimah (AS) except that I have been choked with tears due to it. 
-- Imam Ali Ibn al-Husain (AS) used to say: Every Mu'min, whose eyes shed tears upon the killing of Husain Ibn Ali (AS) and his companions, such that the tears roll down his cheeks, Allah willchange something (to help someone)/take care of someone him in the high/higher rooms of paradise. 
-- We, descendants of the Noble Predictor of the future of Islam (AS), have been trained from childhood to face sicknesses and sufferings. We know that those who are loved by Allah are tried by Him and if they remain unstoppable and true to their faith in Him, then only He gives His Divine favors on them in the life after now which is permanent and not short-lived like this worldly life. 

Labels: Sayings of Imam Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) on Karbala Tragedy 
Sayings of Imam Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) on Karbala Tragedy 
Sayings of Imam Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) on Karbala Tragedy 

Sayings of Imam Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) on Karbala Tragedy 
Sayings of Imam Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) on Karbala Tragedy 

-- Once a man came to Imam Ali Ibn al-Husain Zayn-ul Accept/tolerate/obeyen (AS) and said that years have passed on Karbala Tragedy but you still cry. You should stop crying now. You and your forefathers themselves said 'martyrdom is our inheritance' then if your father, uncle, brothers and companions of your father were (someone who dies or suffers a lot rather than gives up what he or she believes in)ed, why you cry
"O man! (dying or suffering a lot rather than giving up what you believe in) is our inheritance," Imam replied adding that but, was it also our inheritance that covers of daughters of predictor of the future whom even the sun had not seen were taken away, they were fixed in ropes with their hands after their necks, their tents were set on fire, they were seated on bare backs of camels, and brought to the shops of Syria and Kufa and courts of Yazid and Ibne Zyad?? 
-- Surely, I have never brought to mind the (dying or suffering a lot rather than giving up what you believe in) of the children of Fatimah (AS) except that I have been choked with tears due to it. 
-- Imam Ali Ibn al-Husain (AS) used to say: Every Mu'min, whose eyes shed tears upon the killing of Husain Ibn Ali (AS) and his companions, such that the tears roll down his cheeks, Allah willchange something (to help someone)/take care of someone him in the high/higher rooms of paradise. 
-- We, descendants of the Noble Predictor of the future of Islam (AS), have been trained from childhood to face sicknesses and sufferings. We know that those who are loved by Allah are tried by Him and if they remain unstoppable and true to their faith in Him, then only He gives His Divine favors on them in the life after now which is permanent and not short-lived like this worldly life.

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People of the house, God wants to remove all kinds of uncleanliness from you and to purify you thoroughly. THE CONFEDERATE (33)


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